Similar to Cleaners, Managers are able to view Clients if they are approved to at least one of the same locations as the Manager. This article outlines more details on the Client pagesection.
Clicking on Logout will log the user out of the Swept mobile app.
Me Page - Supervisors
Supervisors will have two additional items in the Me section, which are Support and Timesheets.
Support: this section allows Supervisors to click on either Phone Support or Email Support. The support phone number and support email are added through the web app and when clicked, will navigate the user to their devices email/phone keypad to reach out for support.
Timesheets: this section allows Supervisors to view their timesheet. View <this article> for further information.
Me Page - Cleaners
When a cleaner has navigated to the Me section of the mobile app, they will see the following options:
Support: this section allows Supervisors to click on either Phone Support or Email Support. The support phone number and support email are added through the web app and when clicked, will navigate the user to their devices email/phone keypad to reach out for support.
Timesheets: this section allows Supervisors to view their timesheet. View <this article> for further information.
Logout: Clicking on Logout will log the user out of the Swept mobile app.
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