What needs updated: The phone numbers that need to be updated will appear in a list below the error. These phone numbers need to be in +(country code)(phone number) format.
Duplicate EmailsPhone Numbers
Error: The following emails phone numbers are duplicates in the file:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate emails phone numbers in the file. Emails Phone numbers must be unique within Swept.
Duplicate Phone NumbersEmails
Error: The following phone numbers emails are duplicates in the file:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate phone numbers emails in the file. Phone numbers Emails must be unique within Swept.
Duplicate Phone Numbers in System
Error: The following phone numbers already exist in the system:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate phone numbers in the file that are being used currently in Swept. Phone numbers must be unique within Swept.
Duplicate Emails in System
Error: The following emails already exist in the system:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate emails in the file that are being used currently in Swept. Emails must be unique within Swept.
Incorrect Country Format
Error: The following countries are not formatted correctly:
What needs updated:
Incorrect Timezone Format
Error: The following timezones are not formatted correctly.
What needs updated:
Security Pin Not Formatted Correctly
What needs updated:
Non-CSV File
What needs updated:
Missing Supplier
What needs updated:
Supplier Name Doesn’t Match
What needs updated:
No Supplier in Swept
What needs updated:
Too Many Locations
What needs updated: This error means your location import has too many locations and exceeds your Swept package limit. If you’d like to increase your limit, please reach out to customer support for more information. [just needs an error message example here].
Blank Rows:
What needs updated: