Sign in to the Swept Desktop App at https://app.sweptworks.com/.
Once you sign in you will land on the Dashboard page. Click on the avatar in the upper right hand corner and select Settings.
Scroll down the page to where you see the Data Imports section. Click on the button underneath that reads Import Your Data. * Only admin managers will see this information *
You will be navigated to the Data Imports section of the Settings page. Click on the type of import you would like to add.
Click on Download <type> Import Template to download the template and fill out the information. Please refer to the formatting section above.
Once you have your import template filled out save it as a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) within your spreadsheet program.
Click on here within Click here to select a file. Browse your computer for your file, select Open.
Click Begin Import to start the import.
If your file has no formatting issues you will see a confirmation message to confirm the import. If there was issues you will see the errors appear. Please note if all mandatory fields are not filled out you will only see the mandatory fields error. If you import a file with all mandatory fields filled out but other issues then additional errors will appear.
If you import a file with errors the following could appear.
Mandatory Fields
Error: The following mandatory fields are not filled out in the file: Row # in missing column #
What needs updated: Not all mandatory fields have been filled out. The file will not allow an attempt to import your data if not all mandatory information has been entered. Once you fill out the mandatory information you may get additional errors below.
The error will give you a row number and column number. The row number does not include the header information. The example information is row 1 and then it will increase after this. For example Row 2 is the row after the example information. The column number is the number of the column from left to right. For example if you use Excel then row 7 is row G.
Email Format
Error: The following emails are not formatted correctly:
What needs updated: The emails that need to be updated will appear in a list below the error. These emails need to be in a proper email format: name@emailprovider.com (other top level domains can be used like .ca etc.)
Phone Number Format
Error: The following phone numbers are not formatted correctly:
What needs updated: The phone numbers that need to be updated will appear in a list below the error. These phone numbers need to be in +(country code)(phone number) format.
Duplicate Emails
Error: The following emails are duplicates in the file:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate emails in the file. Emails must be unique within Swept.
Duplicate Phone Numbers
Error: The following phone numbers are duplicates in the file:
What needs updated: This error message appears when there are duplicate phone numbers in the file. Phone numbers must be unique within Swept.