Security Pin Not Formatted Correctly
Error: The following security_pins are not formatted correctly:
What needs updated: The error will show the security pins that need to be corrected. The security pin must be four digits. It cannot be longer/shorter and can only include numbers.
Non-CSV File
Error: Invalid file selected, only .csv files are allowed!
What needs updated: The import file must be downloaded or exported as a .CSV file to successfully import the data into Swept. The file templates given are .XLSX when you save the file you will want to use the Save As feature to save it as a .CSV file (Comma Separate Values file).
Missing Supplier
What needs updated:
What needs updated:
Too Many Locations
Error: Your file has not been uploaded. The number of locations in the file exceeds your subscription limit. Please contact support for upgrade options.
What needs updated: This error means your location import has too many locations and exceeds your Swept package limit. If you’d like to increase your limit, please reach out to customer support for more information. [just needs an error message example here].
Blank RowsWrong Template
Error: File format error, check the swept template
What needs updated: You may have selected the wrong import type. Make sure to select Import Cleaners, Import Clients, Import Locations or Import Supplies and use the templates given.