Log in to the Swept Web App at https://app.sweptworks.com/.
Click Reports in the left hand menu.
Click on Checklist Results Report from the list of reportscompleted checklists.
Filter the results of the report by using the following options:
Search Field - Search the checklists by a keyword for the checklist name, location name or completed by name.
Date, Timeframe - Search by a specific date range or a selected timeframe by clicking on the calendar in the search bar.
Locations, Completed By, % Done - Search by locations, who completed the checklist and what percentage was completed by clicking the three lines that form a triangle in the search bar.
Click Apply to apply the filters you’ve selected.
The following information will appear for each checklist:
Checklist Name - The name of the checklist completed.
Location - Where the cleaner/supervisor was logged in when they completed the checklist.
Date - The date the checklist was completed.
Completed By - Who completed the checklist.
% Done - The percentage of the checklist that was completed.
Not Done - How many items on the checklist that were not completed.
Click on a checklist result to view the checklist.
Three metric cards appear at the top of the checklist details:
Total Checklist Items - This purple card will display how many checklist items are on this checklist.
% Done - This green card will show a percentage of the checklist that was completed.
Items Not Done - This red card will show how many items were not completed.
Checklist Details - This includes where, when and who completed the checklist.
Linked Time Entry - The time entry that the cleaner/supervisor created will appear here after they have completed the shift. Click on the linked time entry to review the time entry.
Linked Shift - If the cleaner/supervisor signed in to a scheduled shift the linked shift will appear.
Notes - View the notes that the cleaner/supervisor added before they completed the checklist.
Checklist Information - You are able to see with a green checkmark what items were completed along with the item name and details.
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