When someone sends a message to a location or client channel you are approved to you will be notified by a push notification and a red dot over the Inbox symbol in the bottom navigation bar. To ensure you are getting the proper notifications reveiw review the following settings:
Approved to the Location
Log Sign in to the web app and go to Managers (or Supervisors) in the left-hand menu.
Click on the green pencil to edit the user.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under Unapproved Locations click on the location or locations you should be approved tofor.
Click on > to move the location(s) under Approved Locations.
Check the checkbox under Notify for your location(s) if you would like to receive notifications .
At the bottom of the page click the blue Save button.
Notify Checkbox
Log in to the web app and go to Managers (or Supervisors) in the left-hand menu.
Click on the green pencil to edit the user.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under Approved Locations make sure all locations have the Notify checkbox checked.
for late alerts and problem reports.
At the bottom of the page click the blue Save button.
When Swept+ is first downloaded you will be prompted to give Swept+ permissions to send notifications. If you did not allow for these permissions you may need to set these up in your phone’s settings.
Is the channel muted?
If you are still not receiving push notifications for messaging you may have a channel muted. You can check this by following the instructions below:
Sign in to Swept+ as your user.
Go to the Inbox.
Click on the channel you are not receiving notifications for.
Click on the three dots in the right corner and select Unmute notifications.