Date - Filter your information by choosing a start date and end date.
Timeframe - Select a timeframe from our list of timeframes to filter your information.
Location - Check multiple locations or just one location to limit your search.
User - Check multiple users or just one user to limit your search.
State - This includes In-Progress, Complete and Complete Invalid states. If a shift is currently being worked it will appear as In-Progress.
Click on any of the headers to update the sort of the report. For example click on Hours Logged to see the shortest worked shifts and shifts in-progress. Click on Hours Logged twice to see the longest shifts.
How do I update a cleaningtime entry?
Click on the line of a shift to be taken to the Time Entry Details page to update the shift.
Learn more on the Time Entry Details page here: Time Entry Details
How do I add a cleaningtime entry?
Click on the green +Time Entry button in the top right corner to add a new worked shift.
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