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In this Articlearticle, we will break down all the functions sections in Swept+ one by one. When you log in to Swept+ the app will launch on to onto the Schedule page. Now that you are here, let’s break down how all the tabs sections work , and how they help you.




- The schedule section will show a Location and Cleaners tab.

  • Location - This tab will show all of the schedules for the locations you are approved to and it is divided by each day. You will view the locations scheduled, the shift time, and status updates.

  • Cleaner - Will list all

    Cleaners and Supervisors, clicking

    cleaners and supervisors. Clicking on a


    cleaner's name will bring you to

    their profile. In profile, you will have access to important information. Such as, personal information, cleaning hours, schedules worked, and mood history.

    Locations Tab - List of all the cleaner’s schedule.

For more information on scheduling check out our articles Swept+ Schedule by Location and Swept+ Schedule by Cleaner

Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video walking you through the schedule tab in Swept+


Locations - The locations section lists all of your approved locations, and any login


avatars for cleaners currently signed in to a location (or number of cleaners logged in). Clicking a location will bring up


the location details page. In the location details page you are able to view the location address and the following features. Click on a link to view more information specific to that feature.


 Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video walking you through Locations in Swept+


Notifications - You will receive


late cleaner


and problem


report notifications as a manager. Selecting a


notification opens the


details page for the notification and marks it as read. Swipe the message to the left


and you will have the options to mark a notification as read or archive your


notifications. The badge count at the


top keeps track of all unread notifications. Clicking the eye icon will mark all your notifications as read, and next to the eye is the filter button to help sort through those notifications.

Inbox - Communicate with your team through Swept+'s inbox feature! You will see two tabs in this section

  • Locations - All location messaging channels are here. You can search for a location by name in the search field at the top. Unread messages will have a red dot , and opening a message will mark it as read. Profile widgets of the last team member to comment , will be displayed on the list of locations.

  • Clients - Client

    only messaging channels

    More…messaging is similar to the location messages above however it is only managers, supervisors and clients who are communicating in a specific client channel.

Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video walking you through the Inbox in Swept+


More - The more section for manager’s includes the features below:

  • Cleaners -List of all cleaners and supervisors.

    Search is available by name

    You can search for cleaners and supervisors by name in the search field at the top. See if a cleaner is logged into a location


    and where. Click on a cleaner to see additional information

Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video walking you through the Cleaners section in Swept+


Clients - List of all


clients. You can search for a client by name


in the search field at the top. Click on a client to see additional information.

 Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video walking you through the Clients section in Swept+


Supplies - If a red dot appears over supplies there are supply requests that need attention. You will see two tabs.

  • Locations - Selecting a location will bring up a list of supplies needed for that location. Check items off one by one, or select them all, and select complete.

  • Suppliers -

    List of suppliers available, selecting

    You will see a list of suppliers that you need to get supply requests from. Selecting a supplier will bring up the address


    and phone number, as well as the


    number of supplies that have been ordered from this supplier



out - Sign out of the app by clicking Sign Out.

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