Stay up to date on issues at your companies cleaning locations! When a cleaner or supervisor signs out of a shift they are able to report a problem. When this problem is reported it will be sent to managers and supervisors approved to that location with the notify permission on. This will appear in the notifications section of Swept+.
Who can see problem notifications?
Managers and supervisors are able to see problem notifications within Swept+ and will receive a push notification if the permissions are on and they are logged in to Swept+.
Where can I find problem notifications?
If a problem has been reported managers and supervisors are able to see this in Swept+ by going to Notifications in the bottom navigation bar. If you have notifications set up on your phone for Swept+ you will also receive a push notification when logged in to Swept+.
As a manager or supervisor you will receive a push notification if another cleaner/supervisor reports a problem when they sign out of their shift. When you click on the push notification you will be taken to a details page on that notification. It looks like this:((Screenshot))
On the detail screen for problem notifications you can see the following information:
Notification badge count - In the top right you can see a bell with a red number if you have any unread notifications. This will show the number of notifications you haven’t read. If all notifications are read this will not appear.
Mark all as read - Click on the eye in the right hand corner then click Mark All as Read to mark all of your notifications as read.
Filters - Click on the three lines beside the eye icon to open your filters. Once you select your filters click Refine to narrow down your search. You can filter the following information:
Problems Reported
Late Cleaners
Include Archived
Individual notifications - You will see each notification listed on the notification page unless the notification was archived. Click on a notification to view the details on that specific notification. If you swipe an individual notification left you can do the following
Click Read to mark a notification as read. When you click on a notification it is also marked as read.
Click Archive to archive the notification so it does not appear in the list by default. You are able to use the include archived filter to have them appear. If you are a supervisor you cannot archive schedule update notifications in the Cleaning tab.
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