If a user has logged in to a shift or the shift has passed the end time, the shift can no longer be edited through the schedule list as an ‘upcoming shift’. The shift becomes a historical shift that can be updated through the Historical Shift Report.
Through the schedule list you are able to see what shifts were originally scheduled and through the historical shift report you are able to make any necessary changes to adjust your schedule times within your reports.
What is a “Historical Shift”?
A shift is ‘historical’ as soon as the end time has occurred. For example, a shift from 1:00pm - 2:00pm will become a historical shift once the time has passes 2:00pm.
A shift is also considered historical once all assigned cleaners have a time entry attached. For example, if a shift only has one assigned cleaner the shift will become historical as soon as the time entry is attached.
For shifts with multiple cleaners, each cleaner’s shift will become a historical shift when a time entry is attached. Once all assigned cleaners have a time entry attached (or the shift end time passes, whichever happens first) the whole shift is no longer editable within the schedule list.
Sign in to the Swept Desktop App.
In the left-hand menu select Scheduling.
On the scheduling dashboard select Historical Shift Report under the Reports metric card.
How to search Historical Shifts
Use the filters and search bar at the top to search for your historical shift.
Click in the search bar and begin typing a location or user name to search the historical shifts.
To search by date or timeframe click on the calendar icon.
To search by location or user click on the three-line icon that looks like a triangle.
How to add a Historical Shift
To add a historical shift, click the green + Historical Shift button.
See the article Desktop - Historical Shift Details on how to create your historical shift.
Information in Report
Below the filters, you will see your information appear. This includes:
Location Name
Cleaner Name
Date/Time In
Date/Time Out
Each historical shift is specific to one user. Shifts with multiple users will show multiple entries. For example, if you scheduled an upcoming shift for three users, once it becomes a historical shift there will be three separate entries.
Historical Shift Details
Click on a shift to view the historical shift details.
Within the historical shift details, you are able to view additional information including the schedule labels and the time entries associated with the shift.
Click on a time entry to be taken directly to that time entry’s details page!
Within the historical shift details you can edit or delete the historical shift.
For more information check out Desktop - Historical Shift Details
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