Swept+ More - Supplies

Swept+ More - Supplies

The Supplies section of the Swept+ mobile application shows managers and supervisors supplies that have been requested allowing them to purchase and deliver supply requests while in the field.

There are two different ways to view supply requests within the Swept+ application. For more information on each check out the pages below:

Supplies Section


Who can see supplies?

The supplies section of the Swept+ mobile app appears only to managers and supervisors.

Where can I find supplies?

To view the supplies section click on More in the bottom navigation bar. Once in the more section select Supplies from the list to see open supply requests.


Navigation Bar



More Section



When do I use supplies?

Managers and supervisors should use the supplies section to view and manage open supply requests. A red indicator will be shown on the more icon in the navigation and the supplies option if there are open supply requests letting you know there are supply requests that need your attention.


Navigation Bar with Badge



More Section with Badge




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