Desktop - Scheduling

Swept's scheduling feature gives your cleaning company the ability to schedule your cleaners efficiently, reduce errors and seamlessly communicate changes. We all know that last-minute changes can happen - with Swept, you can trust your cleaners will know where they need to be, when, and what to expect when they get there.

Scheduling dashboard

  • Create and manage your schedules within the Swept Desktop app by accessing scheduling from the left-hand menu.

  • You will see your Scheduling Dashboard with easy-to-access scheduling reports and metrics.

  • Within the Scheduling Dashboard, you can manage your schedules by clicking on the arrow on the ‘Manage Scheduling’ button to access other options like adding a shift, your schedule list, viewing shifts in a calendar of the week and historical shift report.

Schedule List
Schedule Details

Schedule list

  • Manage your upcoming schedules within the Schedule List.

  • From here you can view upcoming schedules by narrowing down your search using the filters at the top.

  • In the right-hand corner of the date column, you can view the expected hours scheduled for each shift and day.

  • If you would like to download a copy of schedules, you can download the schedule list as a PDF

  • You can make changes bu clicking on a schedule to make any changes or by using the + Upcoming shift button. From here you can add or update your shift within the Schedule Details page.

Historical Shift Report

  • Once your end time has passed for a scheduled shift or a user has signed in to the shift it will appear in the Historical Shift Report.

  • From here you can add or update any of the historical shifts by clicking on the shift you want to update or clicking the +Historical Shift button.

  • You will be taken to the Historical Shift Details page to make your updates.

  • Users are then able to view these shifts through the Swept+ mobile app.

Logging into shifts

  • Cleaners and supervisors are easily able to log in to their shifts through the Today Schedule.

  • They will see their schedules for the day in the Today Schedule and can view their upcoming shifts in the Upcoming Schedule.

  • Managers and Supervisors can view the schedules for their company by viewing the Location Schedule.

  • In the Location Schedule they can see if users are currently working their shift, late or if a shift is a no show.

  • If a manager or supervisor would like to view a cleaner’s or supervisor’s schedule they can access the Cleaners Schedule.

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