Desktop - Schedule Variance Report
No Shows - Swept’s schedule variance report displays “no shows,”accounting for cleaners that do not show up for a shift. When a cleaner does not sign in for a shift, the schedule variance report will record a dash (-) under the column that records the actual hours a cleaner was signed in for.
Breaks - If a cleaner takes a break by signing out of the location they’re currently working then sign back in after their break this will reflect in the schedule variance report. You will now see the total of the two halves worked for this shift in the “Actual” column in the schedule variance report and it will be connected to the same scheduled shift.
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Why Use This Report?
Schedule variance helps you uncover gaps in your assessment of the time scheduled to clean a location compared to the actual time spent cleaning a location. This can be helpful in identifying if your scope of work was too broad or too narrow for the location, and possible cleaner training opportunities. The schedule variance report allows you to reassess current efforts and resources to improve the accuracy of your bids.
The schedule variance report can be filtered to understand if any staff are consistently over or under scheduled time at a particular location. This is a useful tool for Managers as it provides visibility into potential performance issues as well as an opportunity to deploy inspections to evaluate the quality of the work completed at a site by cleaner and by shift to better understand the root cause of the variance.
Who Has Access to This Report?
Managers and Supervisors are able to view the Schedule Variance Report within the Swept Web App.
View Report
Log in to the Swept Web App at
Select Reports from the left hand menu.
From the list of reports select Schedule Variance Report.
Use the filters at the top of the screen to search your report.
Search by Location Name
Filter by Date or Time Frame
Filter by Location, User and Variance
The following information will appear:
Location Name - Click on the location name to be taken to the location dashboard. If there is not a link, you do not have access to the location.
Cleaner Name - Click on the cleaner name to be taken to the cleaner profile. If there is not a link, you do not have access to view the cleaner profile.
Date - The start date of the shift will appear here.
Scheduled - If the shift was not scheduled a dash (-) will show. If the shift was scheduled then the amount of time scheduled will appear in hours and minutes and if you click the time you are taken to the historical shift report.
Actual - If the shift was not worked a dash (-) will show. If the shift was worked then the amount of time worked will appear in hours and minutes and if you click the time you are taken to the time entry report if there is multiple time entries or the time entry details page if there is only one time entry.
Variance - The variance that appears is actual time minus scheduled time. The variance percentage is variance divided by scheduled time.
To download the schedule variance report, click on the “download” option in the filters bar.
Select which format you would like to download the information in:
CSV - Download a CSV into a spreadsheet program (Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers). With this CSV file you are able to manipulate the data by using formulas to gather specific data for your company.
PDF: All - this will download into a PDF file and cannot be manipulated.
PDF: Grouped by location - This will download into a PDF file and cannot be manipulated. The information will be separated by location.
What happens if someone does not sign in?
If someone does not sign in to their scheduled shift, a dash (-) will appear under the Actual column to show that no one signed in to work this shift. Click on the scheduled time that displays in hours and minutes to be taken to the schedule page to view the scheduled shift.
What happens if someone signs in to a shift without a schedule?
If someone signs in to a shift without a schedule then a dash (-) will appear under the Scheduled column to show they were not scheduled to a shift but completed a cleaning.
What happens if someone signs in after their scheduled shift?
If someone signs in to their shift after the scheduled shift’s end time then two entries will appear:
An entry for no logged time.
An entry with no scheduled time.
These two entries will cancel each other out.
How will the schedule variance display shifts where a cleaner signs out for a break then signs back in to the same shift?
This entry will display on one row with the scheduled shift time appearing under Scheduled. The two cleanings appear combined under the Actual column.
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