Desktop - Schedule List


The schedule list is where you are able to view, add and update upcoming shifts. Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down the shifts you would like to see. Click on an upcoming shift to make any necessary updates.

Upcoming and past shifts are separated for clarity, so you are able to see what shifts are upcoming versus what shifts have been completed. If you would like to update a past shift or a shift that a user has logged in to check out the page.

Who can make schedule updates?

Managers are supervisors with permissions to manage schedules are able to view the schedule list and make updates.


Accessing the Schedule List

  • Sign in to the Swept Desktop App.

  • In the left-hand menu select Scheduling.

  • Click on the Manage Scheduling button.

Searching Your Schedule List

The filters at the top of the schedule list allow you to search for the scheduled shifts you need to view. Use any of the following filters to narrow down your search. If a date filter is not selected the date range will default to 7 days.

  • All Shifts Search Bar - Type the cleaner or location you would like to see schedules for and click the magnify glass icon or press Enter on your keyboard.

  • Filter by Date or Timeframe - Click on the calendar icon to see the following filter options:

    • Start Date - Select the start date of your search from the calendar.

    • End Date - Select the end date of your search from the calendar.

    • Timeframe - If you would like to search a specific timeframe you are able to select from our list. Examples: Next 7 days, this month, next 24 hours.

  • Filters - Click on the three lines triangle icon to see the following filter options:

    • Locations - Check a location or multiple locations you would like to see schedules for.

    • Cleaner - Check cleaners or supervisors you would like to see schedules for.

    • Labels - Check labels you would like to see schedules for.

    • Assigned - You are able to see shifts that are assigned, unassigned or all shifts.

Schedule List Information

Schedules are separated by day. Within each day header, you are able to see how many hours are scheduled.

Please note: These hours only include active user hours. If a shift is unassigned or has inactive users then those hours will not be included.

Within each shift you will see the following:

  • Shift Hours - The start and end times of the overall shift will appear. We refer to this as the shift window.

  • Location and Address - This is the location and location address for the shift. Click on the location to be taken to the location dashboard. If you are not approved to the location you will not be able to click the link to the location dashboard.

  • Labels - Schedules can have up to three labels. These can be used for easy-to-search shifts and to advise what type of shift it is.

  • Cleaners - The cleaners that are assigned to the shift will appear with their specific shift time. Cleaners can have shift times that differ from the shift window, however, the overall shift time must be within the shift window. If you have access to manage cleaners or enable supervisors you can click on the user to be taken to their details page. If the user is disabled or deleted you will see this beside their name. If no cleaners are assigned then “No Cleaners Assigned” will appear.

  • Duration - The shifts duration will appear on the line of the shift. This duration total includes each cleaners' time. For example, if you have a 2-hour shift with 3 users working 2 hours each then 6 hours will show in the duration. If cleaners are not active or the shift is unassigned this time will not be included in the duration totals.

Downloading You Schedule List

To download your schedule list into a PDF click on the download button (arrow pointing down to a line) at the top of the schedule list beside the filter selections.

Schedule Calendar

If you prefer to see your schedule on a weekly calendar click on the View Schedule Calendar button in the top right of the schedule list page.

Editing a Shift

Adding a Shift


No Shifts

If no shifts have been scheduled you will see the following message appear:
”No shifts are scheduled in this time period.
Select the “Add Shift” button to schedule one now. Learn more about scheduling here.”


If you have no shifts scheduled that follow the filters selected then the following message will appear:

“We didn’t find anything matching that specific request.
For more results try less specific search and filters.”

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Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.