Keep up to date on your completed shifts through the Time Entry Report! Review all time entries within the previous 24 hours, week or month and download it to a pdf or csv report. Did a cleaner’s phone die or did someone forget to sign out? You can update your time entries through the time entry report and make sure your hours are accurate and up to date!
Who Has Access to This Report?
Only managers and supervisors with access to the Swept Web App and Reports can view the Time Entry Report.
When permissions are enabled or changed for a user, the user needs to log out and log back in to refresh their settings. This will update the information that displays on their dashboard.
Log in to the Swept Web App at
On the left hand menu, select, Time Tracking.
When the time tracking dashboard opens, under Reports select Time Entry Report.
How to View Time Entries
Use the filter at the top to search. You are able to filter by:
Date - Filter your information by choosing a start date and end date.
Timeframe - Select a timeframe from our list of timeframes to filter your information.
Location - Check multiple locations or just one location to limit your search.
User - Check multiple users or just one user to limit your search.
State - This includes In-Progress and Complete states. If a shift is currently being worked it will appear as In-Progress.
Picture of filters
For each cleaning you are able to see
Location Name
Cleaner Name
Date/Time In
Date/Time Out
Hours Logged
Click on any of the headers to update the sort of the report. For example click on Hours Logged to see the shortest worked shifts and shifts in-progress. Click on Hours Logged twice to see the longest shifts.
How do I update a cleaning?
Click on the line of a shift to be taken to the Time Entry Details page to update the shift.
Learn more on the Time Entry Details page here: ARTICLE LINK
How do I add a cleaning?
Click on the green +Time Entry button in the top right corner to add a new worked shift.
Learn more on the Time Entry Details page here: ARTICLE LINK