Cleaner - This is a mandatory field. Select from the drop down menu the name of the cleaner associated with the time entry.
Location - This is a mandatory field. Select the name of the location associated with this time entry from the drop down menu.
Date In - This is a mandatory field. Click on this field and a calendar will appear to select the start date for this time entry.
Time In - This is a mandatory field. Click on this field and a clock will appear. Click on AM or PM to choose the time of day. First click on the hour and then select the minutes from the clock to log the start time associated with the time entryEnter your time in by typing in your time in hour, minute and am/pm. If you are using Safari please note Safari’s times will show a 24 hour clock.
Date Out - Click on this field and a calendar will appear to select the end date for the time entry associated with this time entry. You can leave this blank if the work is currently in progress for this time entry.
Time Out - Click on AM or PM to choose the time of day. First click on the hour and then select the minutes from the clock to log the end time associated with the time entry. You can leave this blank if the work is currently in progress for this time entryEnter your time out by typing in your time in hour, minute and am/pm. If you are using Safari please note Safari’s times will show a 24 hour clock.
Hours Logged - Once you select the Date/Time In and the Date/Time Out then the number of hours logged will appear here.
Problems - Was a problem reported during this time entry? You can enter this problem here so the problem report can be tracked.
Linked Shifts - If this shift was scheduled you will want to link this to the scheduled shift so that your payroll report and schedule variance report are as accurate as possible.
Notes - Add an internal note on this shift. All other managers and supervisors will see this note in the web app if they have access to the Time Entry report.