More than ever, Swept+ is here to help manage your team
. With features
that make it easy to
have a
360 view of what
is happening at
in real-time.
Schedule Tab
Your Schedule is the main page you land on when you log into Swept+. From this page you get a snapshot of what is happening across your business. From this vantage point you are able to view Locations, or Cleaners.
Location: Listed for you is all locations that are scheduled for today, tomorrow, and the rest of the week. Each Location listed, states the location address, time of the shift. Also we have Icons that show you in realtime, who is signed in, who is late, no shows, and the name of the cleaners assigned, or the amount of cleaners assigned to the site. Selecting a location will lead you to the location page, where you will have more information about your locations details.
Cleaners: Listed are all cleaners, and supervisors. Cleaners profile circle is green, and a supervisors profile circle is blue. You are able to search for a cleaner name in the search bar, and all cleaners are listed in alphabetical order. When a cleaner is logged into a location, it will show under the cleaners name, and the location they are logging into.
Locations Tab
In your locations tab you will find a list of all your approved locations. The name, and address are listed for each location. If a location is currently being serviced, you will see the name of who is logged into the location, and a profile icon will be visible. If more then one cleaner is log into a location, you will see the number of cleaners, and a collection of profile icons.
Clicking on a location, brings you to the location details page. From here your can bring up a map to your location, but selecting the arrow icon next to the address. You will see the cleaning instructions for this location. Clicking on, security info will prompt a 4-digit pin, which is always required to view the security information. This ensure that your clients security information is safe, and not public information.
Requested Supplies, allows to request supplies for that specific location. Listed is all supplies approved for that location. Fields to enter the remaining stock total, as well as the needed amount. Once you submit a request, the item will remove itself from the supply list. Select the Requested tab, to see what has been already requested. Also items are dated, so you can see the last time an Item was stocked at the location. The view all button allows you to see all the requested items from this location.
Inspections, selecting start new, opens a new inspection report. View all, allows you to see all the inspection reports completed for this location.
Checklist will allow you to view all the completed checklist for this location. Selecting the view all bottom, will bring up a list of checklists for that locations. You are able to create new check lists for your locations in the Web application.
Team members
A new notification is indicated, when the Red dot appears next to the bell Icon. When you open your Notifications you will notice, a bell and badge count Icon in the top right. This will tell you the amount of unread notification you have, from 1-99+. Open your message to mark it as read, or swipe to the left, to mark it as read and/or archive the notification. You are able mark all notifications as read, by selecting the eye icon, and the filter makes it easy to sort out which notifications you would like to view.
On the notifications tab you will be able to view:
Late cleaner updates
Problem Reports
Late updates, will inform you of when a cleaner is late, and the amount of time the cleaner is late for their shift. In the notification your are able to navigate to the cleaners information, or the location information.
Problem reports, will inform you when a problem has been reported. You will be able to see the Location, what the problem was, the cleaner who documented the problem, also brake down of shift. When the cleaner signed in and out, and total time on-site.
Through Swept+ you will receive notifications and schedule updates that help you ensure cleanings are running smoothly daily.
Notifications - You will receive two types of notifications through Swept+. One for late cleaners, and when a problem has been reported at a location. Click on the links below for more information on each notification.
Schedule Updates - In the schedule section you will be given a brief snapshot of what is happening in each location. This information includes how many cleaners are assigned, which cleaners have signed in, if a cleaner is late, or if a cleaner has missed a shift.
For more information on this page check out our support article here: LINK
Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video on status updates in Swept+ User AvatarsSwept+ Avatars- These avatars are found in many places across Swept+. These avatars make it easy to see who is on-site and at which location.
Within the Schedule section you can select Cleaners to viewa list of cleaners and supervisors. When a cleaner is logged in to a location then you will see Logged in at <location> under their name.
Within the Locations section you will see a list of locations. A cleaner’s avatar will appear by a location if they are logged in. If there is more than two team members logged in then it will be represented with the number of staff on site.
When you select a location from the locations section you can scroll to the bottom and you will find the team member widgets. This will show all managers, supervisors and cleaners who are approved to this location. Members who are logged in will have a green dot.
Within the More section you are able to select cleaners to view a list of cleaners that are approved to the same locations as you. When you select a cleaner you are able to see if they are logged in to a location.
Prefer to see Swept+ in action? Check out this short video on user avatars in Swept+.
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