Swept+ More - Supplies by Supplier

Part of Swept’s supply request workflow the supplies by supplier page of the Swept+ application allows users to view supply requests across all your locations grouped by supplier. This is helpful when ordering or purchasing the supplies you need.

Who can see supplies by supplier?

The supplies by supplier section of the Swept+ mobile app appears to managers and supervisors.

Where can I find supplies by supplier?

The supplies by supplier page is found within the supplies section of the Swept+ app. The supplies section can be accessed from the More option of the navigation bar.

When should I use supplies by supplier?

Managers and supervisors should use the supplies by supplier tab when they are ordering or purchasing supplies. It provides a count of how many of each supply has been requested across all locations grouped by each supplier. This way you can ensure you are purchasing enough of the supply to cover all your open supply requests.




For more information on creating supply requests within Swept+ please view Swept+ Requested Supplies Widget & Requesting Suppliesarchived


When you are viewing the supplies by supplier tab you will see a list of suppliers that have open supply requests. The blue bubble beside each supplier name indicates the number of different types of supplies that have been requested. If you have a large number of suppliers with open supply requests the search bar can be used to quickly find a particular supplier.


If no suppliers are shown in the list none of the suppliers in the system have open supply requests.


To see further details on the supplies requested for a particular supplier select it from the list. This will open the supply request by supplier modal. This modal shows the address and contact information of the supplier, the types of supplies requested for this supplier, the amount requested for each type, and the date they were requested.

The modal can be closed by selecting the “Close” button in the upper righthand or the “Close” button at the bottom of the screen.


When supply requests are completed through the web app or the supplies by location tab of the Swept+ app they will be automatically removed from the supplies by supplier tab.



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