Swept+ Locations

Swept+ Locations

The locations section allows Swept+ users to view the details of locations they are assigned to as well as complete actions associated with the location such as logging into a shift, inspections and requesting supplies.

The locations section contains access to the following widgets, for more information on each check out the support articles for each page.


  • Please note the One Time Service locations do not include inspections and supplies.

Users will have permissions to view and interact with each widget depending on their user type.


Location list
Location list with Manage Locations with Swept+ enabled.


Location Details

Who can see the locations section?

All users can view the locations section. They will only be able to view and access the details for locations they have been approved to.
Managers and supervisors can only manage locations in Swept+ if they have the permission Manage Locations with Swept+ enabled. For more on this click here: Swept+ Location Management

Where can I find the locations section?

Once signed into Swept+ users can access the locations section by selecting the Locations icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Navigation Bar



When the user selects the location option from the Swept+ navigation they will see the location list showing all of the locations they have been approved to.

Location list

The location list shows the name and address of each location. Selecting a location will bring you to the locations details page.

If you have a lot of locations you can use the search box at the top of the list to quickly find the location you are looking for. Just begin typing the location name into the search box and the list will automatically filter to locations that match. To clear the filter remove the characters you typed from the search box and select enter on your keyboard.

Each location will also show if any users are currently logged in below the location name and address. If more than two users are logged in it will show "Multiple users are Logged In". If more than two users are currently logged in and you are wondering who they are you can select the location and scroll down to the Swept+ Team Members Widget. The users shown with a green dot are the ones currently logged in.


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