Desktop - Total Hours Logged Metric
Keep your finger on the pulse of your organization by monitoring how many hours have been logged. We know labor is one of the highest costs to your business, this metric lets you keep track of hours recorded during a pay period.
Where is this metric card found?
This metric card is found on the Time Tracking Dashboard in the Swept Web App. To view this metric card log in to the Swept Web App. Select Time Tracking from the left hand menu.
How can I configure this metric card?
You can configure this card permanently or just update the timeframe for a quick look at this metric.
Quick Look
You can quickly update this metric card to see other timeframes by clicking the three horizontal dots to the right of the card.
Select the timeframe you would like to see from the timeframe list to update the period to display hours logged.
Permanent Change
If you would like to permanently change the timeframe or hide this metric card go click on the arrow on the blue Manage Time Tracking button in the top right corner.
Select Dashboard.
Click on All Hours Logged.
To remove the metric card from the time tracking dashboard click on the blue toggle by Enable on Time Tracking Dashboard to change it to grey.
To update the timeframe click on the Timeframe dropdown and choose the timeframe you would like to set as the default.
Click the blue Save button in the top right corner to save your changes.
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